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tirsdag den 19. marts 2013
Imdur, også kaldet Louie
Min største kælepotte og liebling. Skal til Maribo. Står sammen med pigen med de store ører lige bag mig og vil snakke og putte. Minder mig om min søn. Sød, blid og super nem- og så alligevel helt sin egen.
ohh ... is this a little ROMEO or what ? Mr Cahrming the looks and got the heart <3 ... got a great life in front of him <3 Please don't forget to send far Anno (Leo) Löwenherz a picture from time to time !
I would just LOOOVE to follow them a bit ... how they develop etc. ... or find me on FB there are maaany pictures of his father and his grandmother ;)
ohh ... is this a little ROMEO or what ? Mr Cahrming the looks and got the heart <3 ... got a great life in front of him <3 Please don't forget to send far Anno (Leo) Löwenherz a picture from time to time !
SvarSletI would just LOOOVE to follow them a bit ... how they develop etc. ...
or find me on FB there are maaany pictures of his father and his grandmother ;)